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Many years ago Joan had made a paper doll kit. It included a small pair of scissors, a glue stick a cardboard cutout doll and six pages of cutout clothes.

"A Friend Paper Doll" is Joan Walsh Anglund's first PC computer program for children. Just like her original paper doll, The user is presented with an onscreen doll in her room. There, one can choose the type of clothes, hats, jewelry etc. to wear. The difference in this version is that once an oufit is chosen, the user clicks on the door and the doll goes to the place she is dressed for.i.e. the beach, the Ballet, A Castle, School etc. With simple animations and an easy to use point and click interface, this wonderfully illustrated program is great for preschool and kindergarten children. A great first software program for any child begining to use a computer. For all ages, both young and old, this timeless program will continue to give pleasure for years to come! "A Friend Paper Doll" for PC is the first in a series of PC software for for preschool children. Come back often to see her new releases.