Publisher: Harcourt

Date Published: 1959

ISBN: 0001932330


Look out the window - and what do you see? You may see houses of all kinds, high and dark, cheerful and small, open and sunny, or you may see dogs - dozens of dogs - frisky or tired, long-haired or short-haired. But there is no other house that is quite like your house and no other dog that is quite like your dog. You may see lots of people walking down the street, but of all the people in this whole wide world there are no two people quite like your own mommie and daddy. And of all the children you see, wherever you go, you'll never find another child quite like yous.

In rhythmic text and in delicately colored, wholly irresistible pictures full of humor, action, and keen observation, Mrs. Anglund interprets to a small child the busy, complex world around him and shows him how his own small world and the important things in it - his house, his pets, his parents, and himself, have their own very special place.

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